Sunday, May 16, 2004

Caution graphic pics

I brought my Precious home yesterday. That stud and another mare almost killed my horse. We went over to check on her and found her in a pasture by herself,her head hanging down. That in itself was unusual.She is a proud horse and keeps her head up. The closer I got to het the angier I got. She was hurt and not just a little bit. She had benn beat up bad. They claimed to have called me when it happened , which was a lie because I have caller ID. According to them she got into a fight with another mare and that mare put her through a fence and a stick went into her neck. Numerous cuts and scratches and bite marks, maggots crawling in open wound, her tail cut (not the hair) puncture marks in her and lumps, HUGE lumps. Do not look at the following pictures unless you can take it. They are bad and the camera does not do it justice, you cannot smell the infection.


  1. Poor baby!!  I sure hope that she is going to be ok.  Keep us informed!!!

  2. Oh ~ this makes me SO ANGRY! I had NO idea horses would fight. And who are the people that let this linger? Oh ~ Im fuming and near crying ....... I AM PRAYING FOR YOUR SWEET PRECIOUS and my heart is breaking for her........ I'm glad she has you ! Chin up , my friend ! She will be alright !

  3. omg thats awefull!!!


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