Friday, May 7, 2004

Field Day

What a day! Today was field day at Brook's school. I worked the potato sack race. It was so much fun. I laughed so much at these kids trying to hop to the finish line. There were all kinds of games for the kids, water balloons fights, races ball games and lots others.

The finiale was the Tug of war between the teachers and parent volunteers on one side and the forth graders on the other side. Well they whooped us! LOL.

I am so tired and sunburnt. Gonna go take a nap.


  1. Sounds like it was a fun day.  Field day at our school is coming up SOON!
    Brooke sure keeps you hopping!

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. When my daughter was small I had to work, but now I hope that I can do stuff like that with my grand daughter. I hope to take her to swimming lessons this summer. We have an above ground pool and I want her to know how to swim. We are gona put a gate up where she can't get to it, but You can never be too careful. Have a wonderful weekend. Happy Mother's Day.


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