Sunday, February 6, 2005


It is going to be a bad day when Pat gets up. The dog destroyed 2 pairs of boots. My boots were cheap, only about $75 but Pat's were $200.Our boots have been left outside the door many times without him touching them and now he does this. He is going to be very upset. The dog has started chewing on things again like a puppy does only now he has big teeth that will totally destroy what he chews on. Yes he has toys to chew on. O dear. This may be the last straw with him.


  1. I know this is a bad thing. But we love our dogs sooo much. I feel like when I leave something down and my dog tears it up that it is my fault for leaving it down. I should have put it away. I guess I feel that way so I won't be mad at my dog, she is sooo sweet and brings a lot of joy to us. hugs,

  2. Oh No ... please give him one more chance
                       *** Coy ***

  3. my last two dogs went bye bye for chewing things up. One of them chewed the insulation off of the pipes on the heat pump.


  4. What kind of dog is it?  We just got a Boston Terrier pup and he wants to chew on things.  We got him toys and we watch him like a hawk and tell him no all the time.  But it just seems natural for him to chew on things.  I don't know how it will all work out!  I hope your husband wasn't too upset.  That always makes for a bad day, mad hubby!

  5. Oh dear ,sorry to hear about the boots!

  6. If he has suddenly started chewing again, take him to the vet. Sounds like an abcess or other tooth problem. Getting caught up on my journal reading after a week's vacation. :-)


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