Wednesday, June 8, 2005

MOre bad

The hospital just called and gave me bad news. It turns out that Brook has both of her wrists broken. We are waiting on the doctor to call back and tell us when to go in to see Ortho doctor. Poor thing. It really messes up her summer. She will not be able to do anything with 2 casts on, if that is what they are going to do. She is most upset about missing her belt test this month. She was going for her blue belt. Only 3 of the 7 that tested with her are going up this time. Master Lee may make some concessions for her limitations. We will see. What a way to end her first year in taekwondo.

The doctor's office just called and Brook has an appointment Friday morning.

The judge had no problem letting me off of jury duty. The pay has gone up. It is now $25 a day here.

The day camp refunded me all of the money I paid including the non refundable part. Afraid I will sue? I won't. It was not their fault she was hurt. I think they will be more careful next time though when a child falls.

Now I have to come up with fun things to do with both arms in casts. Any suggestions?


  1. That's awful for Brook.  When my son was 8 years old, he wrecked his mini-bike and broke a leg just above the knee... a week after school let out.  He was hospitalized, in traction, for a month, then confined at home in a wheel chair for a month.  About the time he was allowed to walk again, it was time for school to start.

  2. Oh poor Brook. It must be awful having both arms in casts.  Such a shame just as the summer is starting but bad at any time.  I shall wrack my brains to see if I can come up with ideas of what to do but in the meantime, try and make her casts look really pretty in some way.  Send her my love. xx

  3. I would not want to be you...or Brook, poor baby!  I have no suggestions for summer fun; no pool, huh?  Bummer...JAE

  4. Lots of milk shakes.  Eating soup through a straw.  Those are all fun things for a child. Poor Brook.  Why is the doctor waiting until Friday to see her?  Wouldn't this be considered an emergency?

  5. oh dear, I had to spend a summer with one arm  in a cast, but not two!!She will figure out how to do some things  and learn to live without the rest,  I was 12 and had my  left wrist in a cast, I remember the most fun part, was walking to the beauty shop each week to get my hair washed!!!  I remember my stinky smelly arm when they sawed off the cast, it will be a summer she won't forget!I know there will be disappointments but  she'll survive! Glad you got your money back and dissmissed!They only $5 a day here, plus 10cents a mile
    ~ Julie~

  6. Sometimes breaks in bones need a closer viewing.  I'm not surprised they came back and said they were broken. How awful for her.  Poor thing!  Hopefully Master Lee will make some concessions!  Keep us posted!

  7. Oh goodness.  I think you'll be renting a bunch of videos this summer.  Hope she heals fast!

  8. Wow...both wrists?! Yowie! Poor thing...hmm. Maybe learning to paint with a brush held in her teeth? Or finger paint with her toes? Loads of nature walks...

  9. Riverdaughter, they wait so swelling can go down.  It broke my heart to wait, wondering if my daughter would fall and make things worse.  Celeste, Natalie's two arms were broken on seperate (consecutive) summers, so I can't exactly identify, but trust me in this:  She will learn quickly to adapt.  After the pain is gone, she'll do a lot.  Also, it sucks to blow a summer, but at least she doesn't have to try to do school work with casts.

  10. Oh,my, I am so sorry. She will probably bounce back faster than you will.Popsicles always help every summer problem seem better. I keep you both in my thoughts. margo

  11. Geeeez that is a crappy way to spend the summer.  Wish I could help with suggestions but I can't think of any.  Sorry and hope she is better soon.  XOXOXXO


  12. I broke my elbows when I was young rollerskating one summer.  It was not a very fun summer because I loved to draw.  I do remember enjoying going on creekwalks, but my mom was scared to death I was going to fall, luckily I didn't.  I think I drove my mom crazy those two months of the summer.  She would read too me, I enjoyed staying at my grandmas the most, because she didn't baby me so much, and she let me roam the country instead of staying inside like my mom did.


  13. Sorry about Brook. Guess she will be sick of TV. Paula

  14. What a rotten way to start the summer for any kid!  Poor Brook.  I know mamma won't have a good summer either what with worrying about the girl child.  I am just thankful that this is something that will heal with time.  Sam

  15. Poor Brook...I hope you find things to keep her amused for the holidays. It`s such a shame for her, I do hope she gets better soon .

    Sandra xxx

  16. Aw...your poor baby!! Jeeze, I can't think of a darn thing that doesn't require the use of wrists. Dancing, maybe. :-) ---Robbie

  17. Oh the poor baby! Bless her little heart....I have no earthly idea what she can have fun at with two casts! Except movies and cartoons and reading.
    Take care ,
    ps... give her a hug and kiss for me ,ok?

  18. Awww, poor thing. I've never broken a bone in my body ::knocks on wood:: though I've had more stitches than I have bones, go figure. She's going to be hot and itchy after about three-four weeks with that cast on ::has delt with broken bones on other people::
      I'm sure you'll find plenty of little games and busy body ideas to help keep her occupied for a unpredictable summer.


  19. I have never had anything broke. . .well only my heart lol!.Poor little Brook,thats knacked her summer up.Hope you find something special to do on some of the days.I think it will have to be lots of tv and story tapes to listen to.She is going to be so limited.Best wishes to you all.


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