Friday, June 10, 2005


Here is Brook after receiving a care package today from a fellow J-Lander Rachel of LifeNStuff. Look at that face! She found GOLDFISH in the box. LOL She loves Goldfish! She was going thru that box like it was a treasure chest!   Notice the 2 different colors on the casts? Her Papaw's and Mama's favorite colors. She was a great kid while they put them on. I could see the pain on her face but not once did she say it hurt even when asked. The doctor said she can do TaeKwonDo but no sparring. Master Lee said she can take her belt test as long as she took it easy. Right now it hurts if she moves her arms too fast.   She said to say thank you for all the get wells she has received.


  1. Brook is certainly brave and strong.  Give her a hug from me and tell I said hello. Sending best wishes to her.  Brook and you are in my prayers.

  2. Great pictures and what a lovely thing to get that package from a fellow J-Lander, there are some great people in this community.  Love the pretty casts xxxx

  3. oh that is wonderful!  she'll be fine!
    ~ Julie~

  4. Awwww!  What a doll!  And, what a good friend to send a package.

  5. Brook is handling it all in stride.  Love the colors of her casts. :)

  6. Aww what a great idea! Care package...nice colors on the casts! I hope she can take her test ok and feels better soon.

  7. How sweet is that?  She deserves a treasure chest!  Get better, soon!  I hope she can test, soon!  JAE

  8. aWW...THAT BRIGHTENED UP HER DAY DIDN'T IT??? Hope the little sweetie gets better soon!

  9. Lovely care package!  It`s great to see Brook looking so cheerful after all she`s been through, Bless her :-)

    Sandra xxx

  10. I'm glade she better. I like the two colors.

  11. Wow!  Wasn't that nice of Rachael to send a care package to Brook.  Nice job, Celeste on the collage of pics above.  She does seem perkier.  Hope Y'all are having a great weekend.

  12. she has a beautiful smile, and those eyes!!

  13. I love the pics.  Glad to see that she's feeling so much better.  She's a brave little girl.  Pennie

  14. Brook certainly is a colorful little girl these days. Hope she mends fast. Paula

  15. What a sweet wee thing!  How well I know the tribulations of going through life with casts - both my boys had their share.  But she is clearly a trooper - as are you, Celeste!  Sounds like the doctor is taking good care of her, and you are too.  You are both in my thoughts.  I have a feeling that, resourceful as you are, you will come up with some grand alternatives for the summer!  Good luck to Brook in her taekwondo test.



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