National Missing Children's Day
For the past 22 years, May 25 has been designated as National Missing Children's Day. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, nearly 800,000 children are reported missing every year. That is the equivalent of more than 2,000 children being reported missing each day. On May 25, we renew our commitment to help protect the children in our communities.
How You Can Help
Check out photographs of missing children in your area at the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children's Web site. 1 in 6 child recoveries featured in their photo distribution program is recovered as a direct result of someone recognizing their photo and calling authorities.
Sign up for AOL AMBER Alerts to receive notifications of child abductions in your area so you can aid in the effort to find them. You can sign up to receive AOL AMBER Alerts via IM (Instant Message), e-mail, cell phone, pager, or other mobile device. Since 1997, 204 children have been recovered through the AMBER Alert program.
Make sure you have current, clear photographs of each of your children, for use in case of an emergency.
Good entry. This I feel is very important info. I went to Aol and sighed up it was easy. I would like to post a link in my journal (look at life) to your entry.
Very good and helpful entry, Celeste! Thank you! I had no idea that AOL had Amber Alerts! Sheila