Wednesday, May 4, 2005

just going on and on and on....

I am alone doing laundry right now among other things. Actually the laundry is waiting on the dishwasher to quit running. We do not have enough water pressure to run 2 appliances at the same time (or take a shower!) It does slow things down a bit but I take full advantage of it. HEHE I am here at the computer! Pat is up the street at a neighbor's house helping him fix the lights on his trailer. After they finish that I believe that they are going to go pickup a bull dozer that Pat's uncle gave him. I have big plans for that dozer! I do wish I had a back hoe to go with it! I cannot wait to learn how to use it. Ok, so maybe I am not exactly a girly girl. No rain has been predicted for this week so hopefully I will get some work down on the big garden. The temperatures have been a bit cool to plant seed crops. Last night was another cold night. Tomorrow is Career Day at Brook's school. She will be giving a demo at the school for Tae Kwon Do. I believe that I will take her home afterwards. Not for sure, but it is a good possibility. Made chili last night for dinner. I know it is not a spring meal, but you know 55 degrees is not spring time temps either! Saw a question earlier today on LifeNStuff.  This is Mosie1944 of My Country Life's daughter. It is really making me think. Go there and see what you think. I am working on my answer and will be posting it later on. Hummmm. The dishwasher is through so it is time to get back to laundry. Time to do my 15 minutes too. Thank you Flylady for the reminder. It is also Anti-Procrastination Day. Gotta figure out something to do. There is sooooooooo many things I have been putting off! Well I will get busy now. Have a great day!!!


  1. You have a wonderful excuse to be on the computer - low water pressure!!! Hey, wish I had thought of that. Cool here as well and wet, oh well, roll on summer when no doubt I shall be complaining about the heat!!!!

  2. Hey!  It's laundry day here too!  Two loads finished, one in the dryer, one in the washer, and three to go.  Thankfully we have an air-jammed on our well and a Ruth-Berry Pump so pressure is never a problem.  SSShhhhh!  Don't tell my hubby it's Anti-procrastination day.  Thanx! -  Barbara

  3. I can do laundry whilke running the dishwasher...but, if Ihave the tv on in my room, with the curling iron on, and all the lights, as soon as I plug in the hair dryer...POP!  No power...I have done this twice, now, and my husband is getting quite pissy about it...!  JAE

  4. Wow!!! Can I come play with the bull dozer?  I agree, a back hoe attachment would be great, but hey, it's a start, right?

  5. I love reading your journal! I always feel like I am visiting with you!
    I bet you have fun with that dozier!!! I would too! lol
    Watch out Pat! lol
    Ok, gonna get off here and go to Mosie's daughter's journal.
    Love ya,

  6. I missed the boat on anti-procrastination day. I have such a long list of To Dos...

  7. Have fun with your dozer. Yes I would say you're not a girly girl, but thats alright. Paula

  8. I always like to come and see what you are up to. judi

  9. It's been cold and dreary here to and I'm sick of it!!


  10. Hi again!  Sounds like home to me!  My dad is on ten water usage at a time is very familiar to me!  lolol  Is it time for a new well, or just pump parts?   lol  check w/ you again soon   C.


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