Thursday, May 19, 2005


Good morning. I have not made any entries in the last couple of days because it was so frustrating to try to stay on line. After months of fighting with the phone company about the noise on my phone line, they finally found the problem. It was exactly where I have been telling them it was all along! They kept telling me the line was clear. Excuse me but I knew it was not clear! After dealing with this problem for months, please do not treat me like I am an idiot, like I am imagining the problem. Who is the idiot now? Idiots.


  1. My mom had this problem too.  I think it went almost a year before the phone company finally fixed it and YES!  It was on their end.  Glad you got it fixed.  Sheila

  2. So glad that you got it fixed.  Big sigh of relief I bet xxxx

  3. These companies never take the blame themselves!  :-)   Sandra xxx

  4. the customer is ALWAYS right
    ~ Julie~

  5. We ditched our landlines for cellphones and got broadband from our cable company to get online because of the aggravation we suffered from our phone company. You have every right to get angry with them.

  6. Big Bro was wrong?? Glad you won !! rich

  7. That's a prfect word for the telephone company.  Idiots!  Pennie

  8. I think some companies make it a point to hire some idiots just to frustrate the hell out of us! lol

  9. Glad you finally got some action! I used to work for "the phone company" and I know how many of the customer service reps work. The do assume you have no clue and that the problem is usually user error. Glad you were persistent! ;-)


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