Thursday, October 28, 2004


Today Brook had TaeKwonDo. It was time for her promotion test. She has been working real hard trying to get it down what she need to do. I was so proud of her! Here she is working on her kicks before the test started.


This next picture is one of her doing the board breaking part of her test.

The last picture is one of her with Master Lee and his wife. She is an instructor at the school. See that mean look! She is proud of her new belt. She is now officially 8th KUB, orange belt. Now we can be afraid of her LOL!



  1. Yyyyyaaaaaayyyyy for Brook! Margo

  2. omg.........Brook is sooooo cute..I am so glad you are having her train for  TaeKwonDo...and I am so proud of her deligence...I love how she keeps right on trying..that is unusual for someone so young....Celeste , you are doing a great job !!! God bless you, and keep you!

  3. congrats to her on such a great accomplishment.. I used to take taekwondoe , its not all that easy at all! :) Mel

  4. Oh celeste how cool...congrats to that little sweetie...and yes she does look mean, but thats good then no one will mess with that little pumpkin! LOL

  5. Woo hoo Brook! Butt-kickin beauty! :-)

  6. Congrats Brook!!! YOU GO GIRL! : )

  7. Lovely photos.  Lovely little girl. Glad she is learning to defend herself so young. xxx

  8. You must be so proud of her. I've been studying martial arts five years and have never broken a board.


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