Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Good news, bad news

The good news is no surgery for Brook. The bad news is she will take longer to heal. After looking over her X-rays, probing a bit(not much but it still hurt), and measuring the depth of the bone spread, the doctor decided that the best thing all around would be to leave it alone. He said the bones were parallel to each other so they will form a bond but it will take a little bit longer. I asked about the nerve problem that developes sometimes when non union bones form a bond. He said in all the years he has been practicing he has only seen it twice and those were adults. He said that he was glad that the doctor did not try a figure 8 splint on her as that is far more painful than it needs to be. She will have a slightly smaller shoulder. Poor child, she already has small shoulders!

She said thank you to all of you.


  1. Overall, I'd say it's good news.  No surgery, and no overzealous doctor putting her though unnecessary pain.  Tell her I said....feel better soon!

  2. Good news really!  Glad there's no surgery involved.  Feel better Brook!  Oh, and get a seat belt for that bike!

  3. so glad there will be no surgery---sorry for the smaller shoulder--but tell her petite shoulders are all the fashion...makes dresses look nicer....give her hugs and tell her prayers will be said so that she heals fast..

  4. I am happy she doesn't need surgery...and time we have plenty of...right???  I know she is dissappointed about some things just now...but she is so young...and pretty...and smaller shoulders....well she will always be in fashion....if she cares about that at all now LOL...take care...God Bless...hugs to you both...Ora of KY

  5. I am so glad she does not have to have surgery! Thank You God!
    Hope the pain has gotten better for her, bless her heart.
    love ya,

  6. I'm happy for the good news part. Hope she mends faster then the doctor expects. Paula

  7. Oh, migosh...poor baby!  She is as accident prone as I am!  Hugs to you all...

  8. Celeste
    I'm glad surgery will not be required.  Poor Brook!  A long recovery period is NOT what she wanted to hear.  I hope she remembers she has so much to be thankful for.  Now a new lesson plan starts.  The art of learning patience.  I know your nerves must be shot, Celeste.  My prayer for today will be for you.

  9. Oh No!!!!!!!!! poor Brook.
    That is a painful injury. I
    hope she heals FAST.

  10. I am so glad they don't have to do surgery, but I hate that it is going to take longer.  I hope her pain can be managed while it is healing.  I have a neice who broke her collar bone twice when she was a child, and I remember what kind of pain she was in.  You guys take care!

  11. I'm glad she won't have to endure surgery! YAY! Longer recovery will be rough...but it will gradually get more tolerable.
    Give her a hug (not a tight one LOL) for me, ok?

  12. Poor dear sweet Brook!  Though I am thankful he doesn't feel surgery is required, I feel for this active young lady having to wait out the healing process.  -  Barbara

  13. Celeste I hope Brook heals quickly and they can manage the pain for her ~ Ally x

  14. My son had the exact thing happen on a bicycle at the age of 9 and it healed much more quickly than the Dr.s expected it would.  It was very painful too for awhile.  He'd hit the side of a pickup truck and bounced up onto the sidewalk and it knocked him out for a minute.  He got ok, and I pray she will heal fast too.


  15. I am so glad for her. Margo


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