Monday, December 12, 2005

catchup, ketchup nope caught up! LOL

I have not written in a couple of days. No real reason why. It has been an ordinary weekend with no drama. That felt good.

Sunday we cracked black walnuts. This is a job like none other. They stain your hands so you must wear gloves. They can squirt toxic juice(oil) if you happen to get one that is not dried out so you have to wear glasses. But if you have ever had a black walnut, you know it is one goooood nut! At lot of work involved in it. You have to pick them up in the fall and allow the husks to dry some and peel them off. Next you have to let them dry out until cured. After that( which takes several months) you then crack them and pick out the nutmeat. Cracking them requires a hammer NOT a nutcracker! WORK!!! Now I need to get my Black Walnut cake recipe out....

Blackie(the cat with the hurt leg) is doing better. He is still limping but can now bear weight and run. And play with my tree! or rather the things under my tree!

Brook is at TaeKwonDo with her mama right now. College is out until next year so she took her tonight.

This morning I went to the doctor. Time for my 3 month blood work. I swear I feel like I am feeding a vampire sometimes! Toady was sugar, thyroid, and cholesterol tests. I hope at least one of them comes out okay. My weight did not. I have gained 4 pounds in 3 months. Not happy with that.

Yesterday Pat took me to get my Christmas present sized. Itis so pretty. Hopefully it will be ready by Christmas. If not I know it is there! Pictures will be posted!


  1. Blackie must not have know you were looking or he would have been milking you for more pitty.  
    You got to love a weekend with no drama.

  2. Yep, I have cracked black walnuts before. We used to have 2 big trees in our yard. I don't bake cakes anymore since I am now a diabetic. We have an orange  low sugar cake home made one ordered for Christmas. Glad your kitty is doing better. Helen

  3. We always gathered the walnuts and poured them out in the gravel driveway.  After a while of many cars driving over them, there was no need to peel off the outside.  Just a thought!

  4. I just have one question............

    ...........When's the cake gonna be ready?      -  Barbara

  5. cant wiat to see the pics of your present. I did wal=ntus one time Did not know how bad it stained NO GLOVES you can immagine.
    OH how i wish I coudl ahve an ordinary weekend

  6. Used to shell black walnuts, back home in Nebraska. We have 3 old black walnut trees, and the squirrels love them. When I see a of black walnuts at the store...I stock up. LOVE EM! Especially in carrot cake. My Grandma had recipe for the best carrot cake. I make it around Christmas. ! Would you share the Black Walnut cake recipe? Sounds delicious.       ~Deborah

  7. I've never cracked black walnuts, nor baked a black walnut cake. I'm going to add them to me to do in thr future list, Margo

  8. We usually have a lot of black walnuts in the Fall (and they really are the best!), dry them out and then after we crack them we put some in homemade ice cream! Yum!

  9. I never knew that about walnuts. Thanks.


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