Tuesday, August 9, 2005

update on Hazel

Just got home from taking Hazel to the surgeon for follow up to surgery. It was good news. It was not cancer! I cannot tell you what it was called ( because I forgot to write it down!)but it is something that looks like squamous skin cancer but does not keep growing, instead it normally bursts and goes away for a time but will return if not removed. He said that this one did not act like it. It and acted like cancer. Everyone was relieved.. She was going to have to undergo a topical chemotherphy but now does not have to. The skin graft is taking good. The key is for it to continue to do so. She goes back there next week and also to her other day on the same day. BUSY!!! for me! And that is just the beginning. I will be paying the bills for 2 households now. O boy. It would be easier if they had same due dates! Now I will have to learn more dues dates!. I am in the process of setting up a calendar to alert me as to when things are due.

So that is the news for now.


  1. Well, I am glad that it was not cancer, but sorry you have to take on still more. On the other hand, at least the will get paid, and correctly. Margo

  2. I`m very pleased to hear that it isn`t cancer, and that it is healing nicely.  Good luck with working out those dates Celeste!  

    Sandra xxxx

  3. Good luck girl!
    I hope your feeling better not so depressed?

  4. That's great news.

  5. She was lucky. :-)

  6. perhaps , some of the creditors would change dues dates to help you, .... better than not getting money at all! Might be worth a try.

  7. Morning Celeste - that is wonderful news... So pleased for you all.....


  8. Celeste
    I'm glad Helen does not have skin cancer.  I know that is a relief to everyone.  I'm sorry you have to pay the bills for both households now.  Helen is so lucky to have you to help and I know she acts like she does not appreciate it.  Hang in there, it's going to seem like you have a lot of balls up in the air for a while, but I know you can get through this.

  9. Helen should appreciate you, but if she doesn't God knows. Paula


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