Wednesday, August 17, 2005

My Pat

I wish there was more I could do for Pat. This deal with his mother has him questioning everything about his life. He cannot understand why anyone would choose a drug addict to believe over him. His mother has been so brainwashed by his sister that there is nothing he can do. He has commented that maybe he should be like her, keep the money and lie and cheat like she does. He said if that is what she wants then I can do that. I can take her money and let her scramble around looking for a way to pay the bills and buy groceries.He wonders why it is that he cannot seem to get ahead but all those that lie, cheat and steal always manages to do so. I know he is angry and hurt. He had his mother's best interests at heart yet he is the one treated like a dirty dog. He will give her what is left of her money, I know that much about him. He can't cheat her, it is just not in him to do so.


  1. Celeste - I really wish there was something I could do to help - my hopes and prayers are with you.......Ally

  2. It is one of those things we will never understand,  but this thing happens a lot , everywhere. There is no clear easy answer.  But sometimes tough love is needed.

  3. Tell your Pat I am in the same predicament, dear.  My brother believed an addict for eight he can't.  C.

  4. Celeste, I wish words to helpfor Pat. He will have to struggle and come up with his own answer to an unanserable question. Drug addicts and their victim/enablers are often incomprehensible to those who would never steal, cheat or lie. I hope life will lighten for both of you . Margo

  5. Sound like the daughter gets it from the mom...They both have issues yes pat needs to let them waller in there own crap and stop resucing his mom...I know he loves her but she is abusing him by putting him through this...He can just tell mom sorry I love you but your choosing you life and if it isnt what you wanted you have to look at you chooses and make better ones...
    Donna In TEXAS

  6. One day his kindness and goodness will be rewarded.

  7. God bless dear Pat!  I will pray for him.  I know how unfair it all looks sometimes, but the Bible assures us that all the liars and cheaters are getting the only reward they will ever have now, here.  But for those who deal in goodness & mercy there are rewards stored in Heaven that will never fade.  He can't choose his sisters actions, nor his mothers responses.  All he has control over and all he is responsible to God for are his own actions and attitudes.  ;) -  Barbara  
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  8. Please tell Pat for me that I have walked in his shoes and I know the pain he is going through. I have brothers to this day that constantly lie to my mom, just to try to hurt me....they only think of themselves and what they can swindle out of people, not the feelings of the woman who gave them life...
    Please tell him to hang in there, he is not long as he has you to be there for him, he will make it. His mom is being manipulated by a very coniving person who just happens to be her daughter...the elderly are very gullable and innocent when it comes to people like this....if I were Pat I would go to the elderly abuse council at your local family and children services and tell them just what is going on.
    Take care,
    love ya,

  9. I really wish I had some brilliant idea to offer, some comfort, some help.  Hang in there. - Karen

  10. I'm sorry. She will just make another mess for him to clean up.
    He needs to do whats right in his heart.

  11. His mother is probably "choosing" his sister out of guilt; she must feel responsible for all of the troubles his sister gets into.  I know at least that is what is going on with MY mom...I hate it, but I have to live with it.  I am sorry he is struggling with all of this...  JAE


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