Monday, January 14, 2008

Slow going

It is slow going getting well. I am moving around better but my chest still hurts. It dropped into my chest like a rock. Been having to use an inhaler to keep my breath.
On to other things.
Cold weather is coming back to us. This week the highs are supposed to be in the 40's and lows in the 20's. Now i know that to some people that does not seem bad and it does not to me either. I just will it would stay that way for awhile instead of upping and downing all the time. Our weather acts like it is bipolar. These dramatic swings  have got to go!
The babies are flying now. They do not have all their feathers yet. that has not stopped them from flying!. One got out yesterday when I opened the door to feed them and caused a bit of a commotion. There were 4 cats in the house, 2 of which I know that will kill a bird in a heartbeat. While Brook herded cats out the back door, I am sneaking up on the baby. Pat is turning the lights off so it will be dark.  I dropped a scarf on the baby and scooped it up placing it back in the cage. Safe and sound and back where it belonged!. That was my drama for the weekend! It was all I could handle.
I do like adding my entry via the way of Firefox. Spell check is great. Unlike the spell check on AOL journals, I can add words that are spelled correctly  or words that are local like y'all and LOL.  A large groups of pictures in an album is different but I can add them in a different way and work around that.
I took the cans in today that we have been collecting to pay for Brook's black belt test. 300 pounds is what we ended up with. That is a lot of cans! We raised enough to pay for almost half of her test.
I get tired easy right now. I am going to read a few blogs. I will try to get to everybody. I don't know how many I will be able to comment on. Funny how sitting can wear you out.


  1. has definitely been a bipolar winter so far.  Hope you're feeling better soon.


  2. take good care Celeste....don't want any pneumonia stuff coming your way....God Bless...hugs...Ora

  3. isnt it

  4. I hope you get to feeling much better and soon.  I hate when I have a cold like that that goes down into my chest.  It always seems to take longer to get rid of.  Glad to hear the babies are flying now.  Our young male is talking now!  I think we're going to get a nesting box and see what happens.  Please take care!

  5. When something is going on in your respiratory system it just doesn't take much at all to wear you out.  Praying you get stronger and better with each passing day.  Cute story about the baby bird.  Glad it had a safe and happy ending.  -  BArbara

  6. You may be feeling tired for a month after this. Just take it easy and don't overdue it. You don't want to relapse.
    Glad the baby bird is ok.

  7. Get well soon.  Someone has to keep those birds safe!

  8. Take it easy! Breathing problems should not be taken lightly.

    Your birds sound cute :-)


  9. I'm sorry to read that you have been sick. I hope your feeling better soon.

  10. Celeste
    Sorry you are still sick.  Good work getting the chick back into her sanctuary safely.  I know what you mean about our weather acting like it is bipolar.  You are a brave one trying Firefox.  I will be interested in hearing more about how you like it as time goes by.  Take care and try to get well.


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