Friday, September 30, 2005

want tiny camera!

I wish I had one of those little spy cameras. You know , the one that is on the end of a fiber optic tube. I have this little bitty peephole in which I can watch the birds. Toaday I was peeking in just in time to see Chip(Daddy) feeding one of the babies. It was so sweet!


  1. You just be careful and make sure Chip don't turn around and see a big old eyeball staring at him or you gonna become the poster child for the Hitchcock movie The Birds!

  2. Bet that was cute. How many babies have hatched now? Helen

  3. Must be so wonderful to see all this going on.  How many eggs are there?  Looking forward to more photos.

  4. Great things are happening your way!  I'm hoping all the eggs hatch and the chicks survive.  Wish I had a spy camera to send you.  I'd love to see the pics.

  5. You`ll just have to keep on peeking! :-)

    Sandra xxxx

  6. This is quite exciting. Just keep peeking, and reporting back to us! Margo

  7. How exciting! I'm glad they are caring for them. Are there still just two? Do you think any more will hatch?

  8. That is so cool! :)

  9. If this continues you will have to get a much bigger cage for them if they all survive - will you keep them all ?....Keep us updated......Ally

  10. oh yes a time lapse camera. that would be neat. too bad you cant video tape it some how. I bet it is awesome.


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