Saturday, September 25, 2004

Be happy now not later

Be happy with what you have….


While working for what you want.


  1. sounds good to me.


  2. that is a wonderful way to live. I have never been one to want for things I can't have, and I think that is why I am content with what I have. My husband thinks when I say oh that is pretty that he needs to get it for me. I say no, just cause I think it is nice doesn't mean I want it. We were raised to have what we needed, and some of what we wanted, and to me that is the good life. We never went hungry, or cold in the winter. What more could you ask for. We had a mom and dad that loved us and was always there for us. I am glad I was raised as I was.

  3. awesome advice celeste!

  4. What a wise saying. You have so much common sense!

  5. A wise saying but sometimes it is HARD to be happy with what we have, particularly ill health.  We can only soldier on.

  6. How true !   if only I could aspire to that !



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