Monday, May 30, 2011

BBQ, parades, flag waving

Barbecue's, flag waving and parades are not how I am going to honor this day. I cannot call it a celebration because to me it is not. Today is a day of mourning and honoring the ones that gave the ultimate sacrifice, their life for their country.
Veteran's Day is a day set aside to honor all veterans, dead and alive. Armed Force's Day is to honor those that are serving now. Flag day is a day of celebrating our first national flag. I asked a group of people what Memorial Day meant.I was sad to hear their answers. Not a single one of them knew that it was a day of mourning. I received answers that it was the first day of Summer (still a month away), sales holiday, Veterans Day (Nov. 11th), the day the pool opens, last day of school.
Does the schools not teach anything anymore? Sad thing, one the ones that did not know was a TEACHER.

Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom
October 7, 2001 to May 16, 2009
4,967 Total deaths

Persian Gulf War
382 Total deaths

Vietnam Conflict
58,209 Total deaths

Korean War
36,574 Total deaths

World War II
405,399 Total deaths

World War I
116,516 Total deaths

Spanish-American War
2,446 Total deaths

Civil War
498,332 Total deaths

Mexican War
1846 - 1848
13,283 Total deaths

War of 1812
2,260 Total deaths

Revolutionary War
4,435 Total deaths


Congressional Research Service Report for Congress - Casualties/Statistics

Global War On Terror 2001-2009 Total Deaths by Service

U.S. Department of Defense - Source for Casualty Reports & Information

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